Vision Night 2024

Fill plates, share love, transform lives
There are many challenges and opportunities as we look ahead in 2024 and beyond. Together we can be used by God to have an eternal impact for His Kingdom at USYD, Norte Dame and UTS both among local and international students. Please pray for the ministry and prayerfully consider how the Lord wants you to partner financially. 

Our goal for the Vision Night Fundraiser is $20,000. These funds will help more students to be able to attend our Mid-Year Days Away & Conference, as well as to help us provide resources for pre-evangelism events, evangelism, discipling our believing students and training and sending them into the community with the Gospel and a heart for the Lord. 

You can give to Vision Night anytime between now and May 25. We will have special opportunities to consider giving on the night, but if you can’t make it to Vision Night and would like to partner financially with the campus ministry in the Broadway area, Sydney, please consider giving now. 

Please consider if you would like to give a one-off gift or maybe you have the ability to consider an on-going monthly gift.