Tony & Jenny O'Hagan

Through screens, we connect people to Jesus, build them in their faith, and send them out to do the same.
Location: Worldwide / International partnerships.
Ministry: Developing digital strategies and tools to reach and disciple people in Christ. 
Vision: Millions of people every day facing personal crises and having spiritual needs search online first to find the answers. We must be there for them!

About Tony
After an exciting IT career, in 2004 I paused to ask God ... "What should I do that would have the most eternal impact?".  I now serve as a Digital Missionary with Power to Change working as part of a global network of missions using visual and video media, social media and the Internet to reach people with the gospel; connecting them with online mentors and church planters and establishing them in local churches. 
As part of our Digital team, I'm creating an innovative a new multilingual web site with an interactive video journey to explore Jesus with opportunities to chat with an online mentor. 
About Jenny 
I responded to God's call to write stories that capture the imagination and sow seeds of grace and truth among readers beyond the doors of the church.  As a writer and editor I seek to encourage and equip Australian Christian writers to better impact the world for God. I facilitate the Christian Writers Downunder group (1,300 members) and an annual Omega Writers Book Fair.

Pray for us 
· Tony & Jenny are constantly needing Godly inspiration and insight to invent and write new material and to maximise their final impact and reach.
· This year Tony is seeking to build a team of "content writers" to assist with creating interactive journeys in a new international website.

Like to know more? God's always doing something interesting in our lives so why not book a meal or a coffee with us to discover what's happening this week! Even if you’re far from Brisbane Australia, we can meet you or your bible study group online.

You can text me now on 0421 230 767 with your name and interest or  Email me at .