Scott Adamson

Through screens, Digital connects people to Jesus, builds them in their faith, and sends them out to do the same.
How much time does the average Aussie spend online each day?

The answer is: over 7 hours

Aussies are online all of the time - searching for information, shopping, playing music and videos, and seeking answers to their questions about life and faith. We want to be there when they ask their big questions!

The Digital Strategy of Power to Change aims to make disciples of Jesus using digital strategies. We partner with other arms of Power to Change, and local churches, to support in-person evangelism and discipleship with digital resources that allow us to make disciples wherever people go, whatever they do.

Scott heads up the Digital Strategy in Australia. Pray for him to know God's wisdom , and for the team to be led by the Holy Spirit in their online goals.

Scott is married to Rachael, and they have six children - India, Holly, Eloise, Micah, Isaac, and Sophie. They also have a son-in-law Jesse, who is married to India, and a beautiful granddaughter Clara.

Please be in prayer that each member of our extended family might know God's presence and love, and be pursuing him with their whole hearts.