Sarah & Brendon Walker

We introduce youth to Jesus by working in schools and through various creative arts.
Youth Workers and Chaplains serve the schools by providing spiritual and emotional support to school communities.
Brendon and Sarah have been missionaries with the Youth Strategy of Power to Change since 2013

Brendon is a Chaplain at Glenwood High School in Western Sydney.  He provides spiritual and emotional support for students, staff members and the community. This includes a big focus on mental health. Brendon has a role in the wellbeing team and he meets 1:1 with people as well as running groups, programs and assisting on camps.

For Sarah, looking after their three children, Kya, Obie and Annie, is a full-time commitment. However, Sarah also contributes to project-based tasks such as helping to organise staff retreat and training events, overseeing data submission, as well participating in the WHS team, and other ongoing admin tasks.

Your partnership can make a real difference in reaching the youth of Australia for Christ!