Maicy Cacdac

Campus connects uni students with Jesus, builds them in their faith, and sends them to do the same.
2023 year marks my 20th year in Power To Change.  Praise God!

My present  roles include continuing to disciple/coach some of the missionary campus women around Australia 3 days a week, and working as an MPD Coach under HR for 2 days a week. 

These 2 roles help me journey with our campus women, helping them grow more in love with God and also helping them to do well in their ministry roles. They also help me come alongside our new missionaries in getting their support raised and encouraging them during their MPD journey, not only so they can get on the field asap, but so they can also get to know God more and grow in their faith during the MPD season.

Your partnership is a huge blessing to me because through your prayers and financial giving, God is changing lives for eternity! For His glory always!

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