JESUS Film - Young Goh

Inspiring millions to reach billions
In February of this year, I accepted an invitation to serve as the National Project Director, to help promote the new animated JESUS film (coming out in December 2026). 

To do this over the next two years I will need your help. In terms of finances and prayer especially. 

This will be a powerful resource for churches to disciple and mobilise their people, especially families, in evangelism.

In the ‘90s, I was privileged to be doing something very similar and by God’s grace we saw approx. 1 million copies of the JESUS video distributed by churches.

The need is great. According to research by the NCLS, in 1901, 96% of Australians identified themselves as Christian. Alarmingly, today that number is 44%. But we see this as a great opportunity to spur us on.

The expected impact of this project is to mobilise tens of thousands of Christians in thousands of churches, working in unity, to see hundreds of thousands of families and children exposed to the gospel through the new animated JESUS film. 

We are not responsible for raising this, but we are responsible for our local project costs of promoting the film, a large proportion of which are staff/salary costs.

 Your financial and prayer partnership will play a very real part in this vision being fulfilled.