Gary & Marion Cook

Campus connects uni students with Jesus, builds them in their faith, and sends them to do the same.
 Gary provides leadership to our Campus office team in Brisbane. His passion to see people do well in ministry is expressed in training and development activities with new missionaries across Power to Change and with emerging Leaders in Australia and Oceania. Activities include 1-1 coaching, conference organising plus writing and delivery of seminars in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.
(Marion has no formal role due to continuing health restrictions.) 
 After 35+ years, we have great encouragement seeing former trainees ministering in both PTC and elsewhere, across multiple nations. 

We are currently seeking new prayer and financial ministry partners who can give on a monthly basis so we can continue to serve with the movement connecting people to Jesus and each other. We need $600 in monthly support to continue in our assignment.

Will you join me in equipping a new generation of missionaries?