Ian & Jenny Finnan

Church Movements exists to equip and send people to connect communities with Jesus.
We serve with Power to Change in Sydney. While Australia has a strong Christian heritage, most people do not follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Australians are largely unfamiliar with the basic content of the Bible. Studies show that 60% of Australians have no regular contact with a Christian! Yet God continues to connect people to Jesus!

Our team exists to equip and send people to connect communities with Jesus so we can see a Jesus centred community within reach of every person.

Jenny has been serving with our campus strategy for 18 years connecting students to Jesus, and using her Masters in Event Management to help our national movement with large events.

Ian started his 23 years with Power to Change working with our campus ministry in Sydney. He moved to Melbourne in 2011 to support our missionaries from the National Office. Ian is now serving with Church Movements team helping pastors and Christian leaders launch new multiplying faith communities and churches (SHIFTm2M), and training everyday Christians to live a Jesus lifestyle (MyFriends).

We are currently seeking new prayer and financial ministry partners who can give on a monthly basis so we can continue to serve with the movement connecting people to Jesus and each other.

Thanks for your partnership in Mission!