Emily Boyle

Campus connects uni students with Jesus, builds them in their faith, and sends them to do the same.
Each year, thousands of young people come into (and graduate from) universities here in Brisbane. The large majority of these students don't yet know Jesus and come with a skewed perspective of God. The smaller number of Christian students often find it hard to defend their faith and stand firm in what they believe. Yet, God continues to work in the lives of university students by bringing them to Himself and growing them in their faith. 

As I serve with Power to Change as a Campus missionary, I have the privilege of engaging with students about their spiritual beliefs and introducing students to Jesus who don't yet know Him. Alongside this, I mentor christian students to strengthen them in their walk with God, develop them in ministry skills and train them to do the same with others. 

God is doing great things in this generation. Will you partner with me in seeing His Kingdom built at universities here in Brisbane?