Cam & Heather Fletcher
Campus connects uni students with Jesus, builds them in their faith, and sends them to do the same.Cam, Heather, Welly & Cadee celebrating Cadee’s 18th.
Wow – you made it here, fantastic!
We are very excited to see Jesus at work Building his Kingdom amongst Uni Students, to see them reached and transformed by the Gospel.
Then God multiplying through them to reach the next generation!
Then God multiplying through them to reach the next generation!
Uni Students are hugely influential, becoming the leaders of tomorrow in Australia and Overseas.
International Students are also a Global Mission-Field that has come to us.
We are also excited to also have Welly (Llewellyn 21) and Cadee (Cadence 18) volunteering with Heather at Monash Uni Power to Change.
Much Gratitude for your prayerful consideration, generosity and responding as God is leading you.
May you experience joy in giving.
Thank you so much for investing with us as a Ministry Partner 😊
We look forward to seeing what Jesus will continue to do,
Cam & Heather, Welly & Cadee.