Alister & Gail Cameron

Animated Story of Jesus - Inspiring millions to reach billions
After stepping down from previous roles and projects, Gail and Alister have been waiting on God for clarity about His next assignment for them… and He has spoken clearly!

They are now in the process of becoming missionaries with Power to Change, joining an amazing team and a once-in-a-lifetime project: a new animated movie about Jesus, coming to cinemas across Australia in December 2026.

Between now and then, the big hairy audacious goal is to see Christian churches all over Australia mobilised to tell the story of Jesus, to fill cinemas for the screening of this new film, and to see a harvest of souls for the kingdom of God.

Ultimately, the fire in their hearts is for churches that multiply churches, and disciples who multiply disciples. This is what healthy churches and Christians look like: they reproduce!

So, this movie is a tool—and an amazing one, at that—in service of a bigger goal: to see Christians all over the nation mobilised to share their faith with boldness, fuelled by the Holy Spirit, leading others into a relationship with the Saviour, and teaching them to do the same.

Please consider how the Lord may be stirring this vision in your heart as well. Might God be inviting you to partner with the Camerons in this bold mission?

This is BIG. This can only succeed with lots of prayer, and with the support of financial partners who share Alister and Gail’s passion to see a harvest—even a revival—in Australia.